I would like to announce that our website now has a shoutbox. I think this is a Great development for the site and it's visitors. The site here is not just a simple index of payphone numbers and pictures, it is a means of aiding communication and connects with people and places around the world. That is why the addiction of this chat feature is so good for our site.
Please do have a go. If you're visiting the web page with a browser you'll see the shoutbox appear below this very post. It's permanent place is halfway down the right sidebar of the site (http://www.payphone.org.uk/) for visitors to use at any time. If you are reading this via our newsletter or RSS feed just click the title of this post (or this link) to take you to the page.
I would like to welcome you in posting anything you like, be about the site or our topic of international payphones. If you have any interesting numbers to call or websites to share, do it here. Visit this link for ways to contact me.