Listen to this Phone Losers of America

Good day fellow payphone enthusiasts. I like many others who have an interest in payphones and ultimately telephony had at some point in our youth made the odd prank calls here and there. I still like to call payphones and other numbers to talk and engage the other side somewhat. I never make is malicious but do try to manufacture interesting reactions.

Brad (Roy or any of the other alias he goes by) seems wedged firmly in the sinister prank call genre. He garners the very best and entertaining reactions from his called subjects. He has a huge cult following. Listeners who contribute customer lists, name and number information they find and apartment complex and neighbourhood lists. Brad spoofs numbers so to appear to be calling from pizza restaurants, county/city halls, to their neighbours. It all makes for some real naughty telephone calls.

There's a massive number of episodes available going back years. He's releasing free episodes weekly (sometimes more) and it's all just a barrel of pure laughs. This is the RSS and iTunes feed you need to subscribe to He's also started a patroen feed for backers here There for a little as $1 a Month, you get access to his secret Hobosodes ($1 gets you every tenth episode). You can pledge more for more extra content. For my readers here I will grant you access to my $1 RSS feed (for as long as I make it available) contact me if it's not working from this page. But otherwise, I really want you to back him yourself if you like the content. For everyone else, the regular free podcasts are amazingly entertaining themselves.

Below is an embed of his best pranks playlist on YouTube. Enjoy and please leave a comment here if you're a listener.

Please send in your payphone numbers and pictures. Visit this link for more info, it's easy.

+442920512170, Library Phone Box, Middle Mill, Solva, Pembrokeshire, Wales, United Kingdom

Big thanks to Alan Hughes again for this quety little contribution from the United Kingdom.

It's a town library and book exchange booth. The number rings but I guess nobodys is borrowing a booth at this moment.

Alan Hughes geograph profile

+12122449466, Death Wish 3 Payphone, New York City, United States

Mountain Mike send this on in.

This is a screen shot of a payphone from the movie Death Wish 3, Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) uses it early on.

He's shared this fairly familiar to me account of his past experience with payphones. "In 1982 at the age of 13, I went around on my bicycle in Santa Barbara, California with an address book and a pencil and I collected numbers to payphones for purposes of crank calling them. I had previously crank called homes until my friend's dad brought to my attention that elderly people could injure themselves while trying to get to the phone. So, I strated to crank call payphones because whoever answers knows that it isn't for him, he's only answering out of idle curiosity. In I uploaded it as a textfile to a BBS in Santa Barbara and the sysop told me that it was the most downloaded file on his BBS. The shoe was on the other foot when I was walking out of a 7-11 store and a payphone rang so I answered, and the caller screamed then hung up when I answered."

In keeping with the contribution here he shared this IMDb list of films featured payphones therein.,desc&mode=detail&page=1

There's also this superb article on the demise of payphones San Diego

Big thanks to Mountain Mike ( for this.

+441437721345, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Middle Mill, Solva, Haverfordwest SA62 6XD, United Kindom

Great addition by Alan Hughes whom I found via this page It's one of the most overgrown one's that I have seen.

+14253479966, Boeing Everett Factory, Everett, WA 98203, USA

Great contribution from Nomadcowatbk ( of this Boeing Everett Factory ( payphone in Washington. It even rings!

+617409350x2 and +617409351x2, 37 Raleigh St (Outside the Junction Hotel), Dimbulah QLD 4872, Australia

Massive thanks to Iain Macaulay and apologies for the delay in this. This great remote contribution has been deep in my email inbox since 2015!

The listing here shows an x in the numbers. I have called every number changing the x into 0 to 9. I have even left out the x and with every attempt for +617409350, I get through to a ladies answering machine. With +617409351 I just get ringing.

The Junction Hotel has a number of +61740935206. So it implies that the payphone numbers are missing two digits from the end. Have been trying to contact the hotel to get the numbers. Might be futile as I would take a guess that payphones like many countries do not accept incoming calls.

The payphone is one of our remotest here. But this being the case there the payphone still sees some mad nightlife (see google photo from outside the Junction Hotel).

Thanks again Iain for this.

+442086476938, O/S Booking Hall, Carshalton Station, Surrey, SM5 2HW

Quaint little station with it's own payphone. The station also has a book sharing shelf inside. Something I haven't seen in London for a generation. Give it a ring: +442086476938.

PayPhoneBox Photo Library

I get many requests for my photos and to see a list of just photos that are on the site here. Well here it is. The album in which all the photos from this site are listed on. Surf them to your hearts content. If you would like to use any of them please contact me first as they are not all my photos.

Click for index of all the site's payphone photos.

I would like to point out that you can easily search for photos via the site's search engine and this will provide more context than just viewing the photos alone. Things like country and commentary around each photo can be found this way.

Please send in your payphone numbers and pictures. Visit this link for more info, it's easy.

+442072651062, +442072651063, +442074806055, +442074806050, +442074806053, First Floor (platform level), Fenchurch Street Station London, EX3M 4AJ, United Kingdom

Here we have a while host of working phone numbers +442072651062,
+442072651063, +442074806055, +442074806050, +442074806053, at this
beautiful little central London trainstation terminus. Best time to
call is during morning and evening rush hours. Evenings are perhaps a
little better as you get people wating around more than in the
mornings. Be warned though that this model of payphones does not ring
very loud.

+442077344784, Phonebox in London's Chinatown, Gerrard Street, London, W1D 6JA, United Kingdom

A very special contribution here to this site. +442077344784 is a
totally callable payphone in the middle of London's Chinatown. The
icon British telephone box in this special case as a class panel
decorated with a Chinese dragon. The booth finds itself amist a
working market street with produce beiing delivered all throughout the
day. There are also many celebrations and protests taking place here.

This booth was featured here on this very site before back in 2011
The street used to have even more authentic BT public telephone
booths. You can see a photo of the old booth on the 2011 link for this
booth. Good however to still see this one in place and working still.

+498964980781, Luitpoldweg, Munich, 82031 Grünwald, Germany

Unfortunately and as is the case with most German payphone numbers,
+498964980781 does not accept incoming calls. Never the less this is a
beautiful part of Bavaria and is close to the city of Munich.

A Good Use Still for a Phonebooth

Me taking shelter in a Russell Square phonebooth in London. The was a
torrential but brief downpoor that cuaght me and a lot of other people
off guard.

Two Lonely Booths

Two lonely emergency telephobe booths by a South Munich (Germany)
underpass. I wonder too myself with the presense of mobile phones how
needed this service is needed just as payphones are.

+442076293780, Staff Area, "A" Staircase, 6th Floor, John Lewis, 300 Oxford Street London, W1C 1DX

Nice little addition here. +442076293780 is a working callable payphone! What's best is that it rings loud and any staff member waiting for the lift positioned opposite or merely walking past will hear it. Like in all workplaces, staff are trained to answer ringing phones, so it'll be hard for them to resist answering. Give this a call and please let us know if you get any asnwers in the comments section below.

+57317469691, Public Departures, Eldorado Airport, Bogotá, Colombia

Sweet little Payphone standing alone at a main entrance to the airport's departure terminal. Gets a lot of traffic passing by at busy times. As will most Colombian payphones the number works and calls can be made but the payphone will show no sign of an incoming call.

+34913338439, Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Spain

No incoming calls but still a fine example of payphones still seeing good use.

+14162509753 and +14162509790, 3253 Bayview Ave, North York, Ontario, M2M Canada

Big thanks to Scott for these two Bell payphones next to a soon to be developed condo building. The one on the left has perfect call quality, while the one on the right has a lot of static (+14162509753 and +14162509790).