Nike Grid: Run Your City takes London's old payphone network and transforms it into a massive gameboard ñ spanning 48 of the city's postcodes. Leg it around the gameboard, checking in and checking out of phone boxes, to score points, earn badges and win rewards.
- No walking. No getting the bus.Cheat and you'll lose points.
- There are Grid phone boxes in every postcode. Find one. Dial 08000141312 and enter your unique gamecode to start a run.
- Get to another Grid phone box and dial in toend your run. EC1 to EC1 counts. EC1 to EC2 doesn't count.
- Score the most points in a postcodeto own it. But you don't just have to run solo.Play for a team. Play for a uni. Playfor your region. Every time you score points,they score too.
- All runs score 10 points. More runs,more points. Earn badges to score extra points.The more ways you run, the morebadges you can earn.
I would like to appeal to anyone taking part, please take a camera and send me a few of the shots of payphones. I will feature them right here on the site.