Now you can make this site your own!
I am opening up this website to all payphone enthusiasts the world over. I really want to make it easy for 'you' to make this website your own and contribute easily your own payphone photos and telephone numbers here to this very site yourself.
As you can see we're hosted on blogger. We receive an immense amount of traffic and it would be a prised place for you to make your contributions. Blogger has an email post feature where you can easily submit a post to this site simply by sending a correctly formatted email with your photo(s) attached.
How to post here myself.
- Compose a new email.
- Format the subject like like this; full payphone number with international code, then provide the full address starting from the smallest geographical reference to the largest separating each point with a comma. See the following as a perfect example: +442079301397, Parliament Square Great George Street, London, SW1P 3AF United Kingdom
- Include the above subject line again at the start of the body of the message. Then on a new line provide your commentary as to the significance of the payphone. Why is it worthy? i.e. It's in a quirky place, it is callable, it is unique in some way,...
Include links to Google Maps locations, YouTube Videos, Dropbox/Drive links for files.
Remember this email will be published as it is sent so be careful what you include. What you type and send here will be displayed exactly as is on the site so check spelling.
Don't forget to include your name and website address at the end for credit (if you wish). - Attach your photos (jpegs) of the payphone in question. As many as you like up to 5MB in total size (You will receive a failure notification if it is too large. Correct and send again.).
- Here are the rules; don't spam, format the email/post as described above, make sure it is payphone relevant.
- Send the email by clicking directly here.
- In a few moments, your post will go live. If there are too much spam and errors, I may need to enable moderation before posts go live. If you need to contact me for any reason my address is here.
I am going to email all the past contributors of payphones to this site informing them of this new feature. I hope that with them and the new contributors we can build a nice payphone community for ourselves an others interested.