+442073871362, Main Concourse, Kings Cross Station, London, N1 9AL

There are about a dozen payphones along the concourse of this station. I tried them and all except for this rang low. However this gives quite a high pitched ring that should get the attention of people standing by. And there are on occasions many people waiting in this area, waiting to their train home to arrive. The best time call is the evening rush as this is the busiest time for this station. The bad news is, this station will be getting a full refurbishment and I'd expect them to remove the majority if not all of these payphones. So it could be that this box in only call able for another Year yet. Enjoy it while you can.

I pass this box quite often. Whenever I see someone near it I always give it a ring. So far nobody has ignored it. And on this particular occasion I had this family sitting around waiting for their train. Gave it a call, the lady answered. I just made out that my friend should be near by and if she could look around for him. I discribed somebody who was nearby and she tapped him on the shoulder and handed the handset over to him. I had a good joke and the guy hung up. The family and the guy had a good laugh and then carried on talking for a further 30mins. I feel good that I instigated that meeting and coversaion as well has having my own cheap laugh.